Our Town. Our Kids.


Our Marblehead schools, our Marblehead children, and SEPAC as an organization all need you!  In fact, SEPAC can’t operate successfully without you. 

Marblehead is our town and these are our kids. It’s up to each of us to help them succeed in school and life. There are many ways to be involved - please join us!

Attend a Board Meeting

SEPAC’s fundamental role is to be a sounding board and to provide advisory feedback on special education topics to the school district and school committee. In order to do this, we need consumers (families) and providers (staff and professionals) to attend our meetings to provide real life input. 

Once a month, MHD SEPAC has an open public Board Meeting with the Student Services Director and the School Committee SEPAC Liaison. Staff, teachers, and community members also regularly attend these meetings. This is where SEPAC provides input. These are open, positive, and cooperative meetings where we discuss the issues of the day – of all levels of importance and impact.  

Families: We highly recommend you attend these meetings. If you are attending, and would like to participate, you are welcome to contribute to the dialogue.

District Staff:  These meetings are during the workday. If you have a topic you would like to discuss we highly encourage you to attend.  Please contact Student Services Director, Paula Donnelly, and she will work with you on making arrangements to attend.

Attend our virtual Speaker Series

We will sponsor various speaker presentations throughout the year. More information regarding our 2022-2023 schedule will be posted soon.

Attend the annual Unsung Hero Celebration

Since the creation of our SEPAC in 2014, each June SEPAC hosts a celebratory night that recognizes the work of community members, educators, and professionals, in their efforts to support kids.

Join a SEPAC Subcommittee

Our SEPAC has lots to accomplish and we invite you to assist on one of our subcommittees. Some subcommittees are perpetual, like Unsung Heroes or Speaker Events, while others target a specific task. Please attend a meeting and ask a Board Member about becoming involved.

Join the Board

Generally, people join the Board after participating as a SEPAC Member, by attending meetings and/or assisting with an event or subcommittee. This lets folks learn about SEPAC and gain SEPAC experience, so when there is a Board opening they are ready to step in.  Board elections are typically held in June. We encourage your interest in Board membership. If you are interested in learning more, chat with a Board Member and read the MHD SEPAC Bylaws.