COVID-19 Update
Dear Marblehead Community:
Just like you, the Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) and the Department of Student Services have been following the Coronavirus news throughout the Commonwealth. Out of an abundance of caution, we will be postponing our Special Education Conference 2020 that was scheduled for Saturday, March 21st. Our reason for doing so is to reduce overall community risk by not hosting a large gathering of people.
Despite the current situation, we are upbeat, excited, and genuinely thrilled for the future we are all building together here in our Marblehead Schools. This has been a year of unification and collaboration: parents, educators, and administrators working together with vision and common purpose in educating our children. Conference 2020 is another fantastic step in this direction; the dual-track structure focused on all students by providing an opportunity for staff and parents to learn together regarding the IEP process and the topic of social/emotional growth.
While we are postponing Conference 2020, we’re not canceling it. We still want you to attend! Please sign up now so we can save you a spot.
Likely, the conference will be in the fall. Sign up now and we’ll email you when a new date is posted. This will really help our planning and help you be sure not to miss it. One day soon we’ll all get together - and celebrate together - at Conference 2020!
Please join us!
Merle Schell
SEPAC Chairperson
Eric Oxford
Student Services Director